Resorption Repair: Case #5
By tdoadmin |
Case #5 patient was referred to our office for an evaluation and second opinion for a resorbtive defect on tooth # 29. The patient did not want to have her tooth removed. After our evaluation and CBCT imaging of the problem area there was a possibility that resorbtion repair might be possible. Our patient knew…
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #1
By tdoadmin |
Patient came in with pain in the upper right side: her report of symptoms are that swellings comes and goes for about one year sometimes a bad taste in her mouth, any sour foods would cause swelling & irritation in the area. This is most consistent with an obstructed salivary duct. A radiograph was taken…
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #2
By tdoadmin |
Patient presented to our office referred by her general dentist for a draining sinus tract adjacent to her previously root canalled tooth. I noticed a draining “pimple” on her check. I asked her about the “pimple” She said she has been treated by her dermatologist for that skin issue for a year now with many…
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #3
By tdoadmin |
The CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) was instrumental in identifying multiple canals in this tooth. We knew from the conventional 2 dimensional radiograph that there were at least 2 roots/canals present. The CBCT showed 3 canals present. I was able to get access in all three canals and seal them.
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #4
By tdoadmin |
This was an interesting eye opening case for me to work with. Our patient was referred to us soon after a neck surgery, fusion of C2-C4. She was in a lot of pain all over and had a tooth ache which we were unable to diagnosis because she was on multiple pain medications post surgery.…
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #5
By tdoadmin |
CBCT saves the day. This patient was referred to us for a draining sinus tract after an implant placement. Tooth #3 has a radio lucent lesion at the apex with is draining sinus tract at the distal. The CBCT shows how severely curved the roots are. While surveying the CBCT slices it clearly shows that…
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #6
By tdoadmin |
Patient had pain in the entire right side to pressure, cold and to postural changes. The 2 dimensional x-ray shows a radiolucent finding at the apex of #3. But the CBCT shows the lesion clearly and how it is draining into her maxillary sinus. This is called MSDO (Maxillary Sinusitis of Dental Origin). Endodontics, Antibiotics…
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #7
By tdoadmin |
This patient has sinus problems on and off for the past year. He had 3 rounds of antibiotics as treatment along with nasal rinses and nasal sprays. Eventually they were referred for evaluation of his teeth. The tooth most probably became necrotic after the crown preparation but there were no perceived dental pain. He was…
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #8
By tdoadmin |
This patient was referred due to non specific pain in the area of #13. There were no signs or symptoms of any discomfort. After three root canal treatments on tooth #13 with no resolution of her vague symptoms and a crown preparation on #14 was also performed with no resolution. A consultation with a CBCT…
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #9
By tdoadmin |
A CBCT was not necessary to identify multiple roots in this lower 1st bicuspid but was able to help us identify the actual root configuration and to locate all three canals with relative ease and without over enlarging and weakening the per cervical dentin.
Read More CBCT Diagnosis: Case #10
By tdoadmin |
This was not my patient but this was shared to as an example of how dramatic the CBCT can show details in 3 dimensions vs. 2 dimensions. The photos speak for themselves.
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