Crown Build-up: Case #1
After your root canal is completed and there is no crown present, your tooth needs to be protected with a crown to prevent fracture. Usually after a root canal a crown is almost always necessary. A build-up is necessary to build-up, strengthen and seal the root canal system from re-infection. The build-up is considered the foundation for a crown. This procedure may be done at our office at the request of your general dentist. I have included 6 examples of build-ups with and without posts. All are in composite resins many are also done in modern amalgam alloy. Your dentist or endodontist will determine which material is best for your situation. In this case, underneath the existing restoration decay was discovered via staining the dentin layer with special decay reveling indicator dye. All decay was removed and a composite resin build-up using a fourth generation dual cure bonding agent.