Crown Build-up: Case #5

After your root canal is completed and there is no crown present, your tooth needs to be protected with a crown to prevent fracture. Usually after a root canal a crown is almost always necessary.  A build-up is necessary to build-up, strengthen and seal the root canal system from re-infection. The build-up is considered the…

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Crown Build-up Case #6

After your root canal is completed and there is no crown present, your tooth needs to be protected with a crown to prevent fracture. Usually after a root canal a crown is almost always necessary. A build-up is necessary to build-up, strengthen and seal the root canal system from re-infection. The build-up is considered the…

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Crown Build-up: Case #2

After your root canal is completed and there is no crown present, your tooth needs to be protected with a crown to prevent fracture. Usually after a root canal a crown is almost always necessary.  A build-up is necessary to build-up, strengthen and seal the root canal system from re-infection. The build-up is considered the…

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Crown Build-up: Case #1

After your root canal is completed and there is no crown present, your tooth needs to be protected with a crown to prevent fracture. Usually after a root canal a crown is almost always necessary.  A build-up is necessary to build-up, strengthen and seal the root canal system from re-infection. The build-up is considered the…

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